We have learned that when Christ touches your life, He leaves an indelible impression.  Being transformed by His love for us, we are a church that is passionate about growing in relationship with Jesus and sharing His love with others.  At Enon Baptist Church, expect to find a ministry that challenges your heart and mind and calls you deeper into a life-changing journey with Christ—a journey that impacts your heart, your life, your family, and the world around you.  We would welcome your participation in any or all of the following opportunities.

To Love God

At Enon, loving God is our greatest priority.  As an expression of that love, several opportunities to worship Him and magnify His name are made available.  In support of our worship of Him, our music ministry consists of an adult choir, a children’s choir, an hand bell choir, a praise team, and a gospel ensemble.  In addition, a drama/puppet ministry adds occasional variety to our worship.  Please join us in loving God.


Early Enon Sunday Morning Worship  9:00

Held in the church sanctuary, Early Enon provides the opportunity to worship in a more casual atmosphere.  Typically, the service lasts about 45 minutes and includes more contemporary music led by our praise and worship team.  The sermon is the same as that presented in the traditional worship service.  Attire is mostly casual.  Childcare is not provided for this service.


Sunday Mid-Day Worship  11:00

This worship service is also held in the church sanctuary and provides the opportunity to worship in both spirit and truth.  The service usually lasts an hour and consists of special music by the church choir, hymns, a children’s devotional, and a sermon.  Attire is both casual and traditional.  Childcare is provided for ages 0-2.  Children’s church for ages 3-7 follows the children’s devotional.


Sunday Evening Worship  6:00 (There are currently NO SUNDAY EVENING SERVICES)

Also held in the church sanctuary, this worship service provides the opportunity to worship in a very relaxed and intimate atmosphere.  The service usually lasts about 45 minutes and usually begins with a couple of congregational hymns led by our director of music.  The sermon/lesson follows.  Attire is casual.  Childcare is available for ages 0-2.

To Love Others

Ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of others is second only to our love for God.  As such, many opportunities to love others by way of your time, talents, and resources are offered here at Enon.  Please join us in loving others.

  • The Brotherhood Men’s Ministry – 4th Monday each month 6:00 pm
  • Li’l Brotherhood/Sisterhood – 4th Monday each month 6:00 pm
  • Royal Ambassadors Boy’s Ministry – Wednesday 7:00 pm
  • Girls in Action Girl’s Ministry – Wednesday 7:00 pm
  • Women’s Missionary Union
    • Baptist Young Women- 2nd Thursday each month 6:30 pm
    • Ladies Fellowship Circle- 2nd Tuesday each month 6:00 pm
    • WMU Day Circle – 1st Monday each month 1:00 pm
  • School Backpack Ministry
  • Jolly Friends Senior Adult Ministry
  • Quilting Ministry
  • Enon Outfitters & Baby Blessings
  • Clothes Closet Ministry
  • Disaster Relief Ministry – Baptists on Mission
  • Operation Christmas Child – Samaritan’s Purse
  • Home Bound Visitation Ministry
  • Foreign Missions
  • Home Missions
  • Hospice House Support
  • New Hope Pregnancy Center Support
  • Solus Christus Support
  • Yadkin Christian Ministries Support
  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
To Love the Bible

Discipleship and growth of believers is also a priority here at Enon and the study of God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is of utmost importance.  Therefore, many opportunities to enhance our understanding of God’s Word and grow as a follower of Jesus Christ are provided.  Please join us in loving the Bible, God’s Holy Word.


Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study  7:00

Live streaming

Held in the church sanctuary, this time of prayer and Bible study provides the opportunity to discover God’s Word in a casual atmosphere.  The study usually lasts about 45 minutes and is led by one of our pastors or Bible teachers.  Attire is casual.  Childcare is available for ages 0-2 with Mission Friends offered for ages 3-5, and Royal Ambassadors and Girls in Action for children 6-11.  Cross Trainers, our youth group for ages 12-18, also meets at this time.


Other opportunities for discipleship and growth:

  • Sunday School and Small Groups for all ages – Sunday 10:00 am
  • Vienna Village Sunday School – 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays
  • Royal Ambassadors Boy’s Ministry – Wednesday 7:00 pm
  • Girls in Action Girl’s Ministry – Wednesday 7:00 pm
  • Cross Trainers Youth Ministry – Wednesday 7:00 pm
To Love the Church

Enjoying the company and support of fellow believers is of utmost importance to the life of a church.  At Enon, we plan for our church family and the surrounding community to periodically come together in fun, fellowship, and support.  Please join us in loving the church.

  • Sunday Morning Welcome Center Fellowship 9:15-9:45
  • 5th Sunday Night Singing
  • Family Movie Night
  • College Student Ministry
  • Flower Ministry
  • Funeral Meals Ministry
  • Brotherhood Fish Fries and Steak Dinners
  • Hanging of the Greens
  • Valentine’s Banquet
To Love the Gospel

Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is the great commission of all believers.  We should strive to do so every day in both word and deed.  The message of salvation should permeate our worship, our ministries, our discipleship, and our fellowship,  In addition, we at Enon schedule outreach events throughout the year that place a special emphasis on sharing the gospel.  Please join us in loving the gospel.

  • Youth on Missions Cruise-In
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Lifeline to Wellness Community Outreach
  • Impact Yadkin
  • Enon Fall Festival
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive & Home Delivery